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- Create Date March 3, 2022
- Last Updated March 3, 2022
Strategic Plan 2019-2024
Background of KPA
The Kenya Psychiatric Association is a professional association registered with the Registrar of Societies in 1986 as a non-political, non-religious, and non-profit making organization. The Association’s aims and objectives are:
- To foster positive relationships among the fraternity of psychiatrists.
- To promote the field of Psychiatry in Kenya.
- To promote and improve mental health in the community.
- To conduct and coordinate mental health-related research and disseminate this information through publications, journals, periodicals, and newsletters.
- To maintain professional and ethical standards in the practice of psychiatry.
- To coordinate and liaise with National and International bodies with similar objectives on matters related to mental health.
- To offer expertise and advice on professional matters related to mental health.
- To organize meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops at regional, national, and international levels in promotion and furtherance of the above aims.
- To lobby for funds for the promotion and furtherance of the above aims.
The association over the years has lived to achieve its aims and purposes through tremendous achievements and contributions some of which are listed below:
- Technical contribution to the development of policies and legislation such as the Mental Health Act 1989 and the Kenya Mental Health Policy 2015-2030
- Contributions to scientific research and academic development in psychiatry and mental health in general.
- Sustained partnership and collaboration with local and international institutions in the development of mental health and other health agendas.
- The association has demonstrated transformative leadership in promoting mental health and best practices in psychiatry by supporting the welfare of its members, providing mentorship to trainees, and community engagement and support through corporate social responsibility initiatives.
The strategic positioning of KPA has guided the formulation of this strategic orientation through a critical consideration of its Strengths, Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats (SLOT). KPA envisages generating concrete solutions and new knowledge to overcome these challenges and build internal capacity, benchmark best practices, and ultimately, through these interventions offer practical solutions that best fit Kenyan mental health context and a coherent policy foundation with which to improve sector outcomes.