Who We Are
Who we are, Our Vision, Mission, and Core values.

Our Story
The Kenya Psychiatric Association is a professional association registered with the Registrar of Societies in 1986 as a non-political, non-religious, and non-profit making organization. TheAssociation’s aims and objectives are:
- To foster brotherly relations among psychiatrists
- To promote and improve mental health in Kenya
- To conduct and coordinate research
Aims and objectives
The association over the years has achieved its aims and objectives through tremendous achievements and contributions, among them: technical contribution to development of policies and legislations such as The Mental Health Act 1989 and The Kenya Mental Health Policy 2015-2030; contributions to the scientific research and academic development in psychiatry and mental health; remarkable partnership and collaboration with local and international institutions in the development of mental health and other health agendas. The association has demonstrated transformative leadership in promoting mental health and best practices in psychiatry, catered for the welfare of the members, and provided mentorship to trainees. It has also participated in community engagement and supported communities through corporate social responsibility initiatives.

To be a leading professional association in mental health globally.
To promote leadership, mentorship and evidence based service provision, capacity building and research in mental health.
Core Values
KPA commits to abide by a set of distinct values that underpin the pursuit of its mission, and also reflect its broader approach to mental health as demonstrated by the following seven core values:
- Professionalism: KPA is to discharge its duties diligently and in line with the nationally and internationally recognized ethical and professional standards.
- Non Discrimination: KPA shall be a non-partisan, non-racist, non-sexist professional association with independent positions in relation to mental health issues.
- Unity of purpose: KPA`s approach is that of unity for all its members, partners, and all stakeholders in its vision and mission in an effort to strengthen mental healthcare systems.